Tuition & Costs
View The Academy’s Full-Time 2025-2026 academic year tuition and costs details along with related fees and additional education related expense estimates.

Tuition Deposit Payment Schedule
Upon acceptance, the student will be provided an enrollment agreement posted within their online Academy account. The signed agreement and a non-refundable, non-transferable tuition deposit of $750 are due to secure class placement. The deadline for the tuition deposit is indicated in the student's online account. If the deposit is not paid by the specified deadline, the applicant will be assumed to have withdrawn the application.
Academy Tuition Payment Plans
The Academy has established two methods of payment for tuition, the Pre-Payment plan and Extended Payment Plan.
Pre-Payment Plan
This plan, with a variety of options, offers the opportunity to have tuition paid prior to registration. Inquire with the Financial Aid Office for details.
Extended Payment Plan
We offer extended payment plans for those who can’t make pre-payment. Inquire with the Financial Aid Office for details.
Tools to Help Estimate Your Family’s Cost
Our Financial Aid Staff will work diligently to help make education at The Academy attainable for those who are destined to train with us. Below are third-party tools that can provide early estimates of costs and financial aid possibilities.
Net Price Calculator
This College Board tool measures the financial strength of a family to estimate the amount of grants, scholarships and other financial aid that is likely to be available to the student.
The FAFSA4caster is a tool provided by the U.S. Department of Education that provides students with an early estimate of their eligibility for federal student financial assistance.
These tools are not applications for financial aid and do not a guarantee aid. The Academy does not collect any of the personal information provided during your interaction with the calculator or FAFSA4caster.
Medical Insurance Plan Option
The Academy offers its students the opportunity to enroll in a medical insurance plan provided by Arthur J. Gallagher & Company. Alternatively, students have the option to provide proof of their own medical insurance coverage, which must meet the required standards as determined by the state and federal government.
Credit of State and Federal Awards
All state and federally awarded funds are credited to the student's account in two installments: the first installment at the beginning of the academic year, the second at the mid-point of the academic year. Second disbursements of financial aid will not be made to students failing to attain a minimum 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA). Failure to raise a GPA within five weeks will result in the return of funds to federal and state agencies and banks. The student is solely responsible for any outstanding balances due to agencies, banks and The Academy. Learn more about financial aid options.
Refund Policy
To withdraw officially, enrolled students must meet with the Director of Instruction and present to the Office of the Registrar written notification of withdrawal. The effective date of withdrawal will be the date of receipt by The Academy of the application for withdrawal, not the last date of attendance. If you receive federal funds while attending The Academy, be advised that if you terminate your enrollment prior to completing the course of study of your choice, federal regulations may require that all or a portion of the funds received be returned to the original aid programs as unearned aid. Unpaid institutional charges will be the sole responsibility of the student.
For more information, request a copy of the form titled "Treatment of Title IV Funds When a Student Withdraws" from the Financial Aid Office. For complete information about The Academy's refund policy, contact our Financial Aid Office.