Special Announcements


Announcing the Closure of the Los Angeles Branch Campus

As we adapt to the changing times, the Academy will be closing its branch campus in Los Angeles starting in the 2025-2026 academic year. Click here to read the announcement
Additional specific details for members of the Academy community follow below. The information on this page will be updated as needed.
Current Students
Current students at the Academy’s Los Angeles campus will complete their full two years of instruction in Los Angeles uninterrupted.
Summer Students
All summer programs will run as normal in Los Angeles through August 2024. 
Incoming Students
All incoming students will have the opportunity to transfer their acceptance (and tuition deposit if applicable) to our New York campus for Fall 2024 and will be guaranteed a place at our NY campus if they make this decision by June 1.  Deadline extensions will be available on an as-needed/as-available basis, so please discuss with your Admissions Advisor.  Alternatively, incoming students may attend the LA campus for one year and then transfer to the NY campus for their second year.  There will be no second year offered in LA for those who enroll beginning in Fall 2024.
International students who choose either course of action will have individualized support from an International Student Advisor.