The Third-Year
Academy Company
As a member of The Academy Company each actor
is provided the highest level of professional exposure
The Pinnacle Year of Performance
At the conclusion of the Conservatory Program, students are given the opportunity to audition for The Academy Company. This advanced training offers unrivaled performance experience with intense, focused training to a small number of Third-Year students, serving as an important vehicle to usher graduates into the professional world of performing arts.
Advanced Training Opportunities
The Company performs a wide number of plays ranging from classic to contemporary before an invited audience of Academy guests, agents, casting directors and other industry professionals. Students are cast in challenging roles that showcase their talents while providing further opportunity for growth and development. This training provides a platform for Company members to let their talent truly shine and gain recognition for their work.

The emphasis of the program is the practical development of the actor through study, rehearsal and performance. In addition, a variety of advanced training opportunities are offered, which may include:
- Advanced workshops in acting, speech and movement, as well as training in audition monologues and camera technique
- Individual career counseling to advise Company members on all matters related to career management
- Seminars with working professionals, such as film and commercial talent agents, managers and theatre/independent film directors